
Street Address

Ruggedy Range™ Booking Office
14 Main Road, Oban, Stewart Island 9846, New Zealand

"10 seconds" across the road from the Dept. of Conservation Office. Approx. 3 minutes walk from Stewart Island flight and ferry centres, in Oban.

Booking Office Opening Hours

Details shown at bottom of this page. 

Phone: +64 3 219 1066
Mobile: +64 274 784 433

WhatsApp: +64 3 274 844 844

Useful information to help us

  • Date and time of arrival in Stewart Island
  • Date and time of departure from Stewart Island
  • Accommodation in Stewart Island
If you have not received a reply within 48 hours - please check your Spam/Junk email boxes.


Booking Office Opening Hours

  Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, 
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr
May, Jun, Aug July
      8.00 am - 5.30 pm       8.30 am to 4.00 pm Closed*


8.00 am - 5.30 pm

Except for
pre-booked tours


 * Emails will be checked regularly when the office is closed. 

 Things to Note:

  • Visit or call our Ruggedy Range™ Booking Office to book or enquire about all our tours and services.
  • Stewart Island does not have an independent Information Centre or I-Site for tours bookings.
  • Prior bookings are essential and recommended all year round. We are a small business with limited staffing on a small Island. 
  • During off-season months: June, July and  August - there are times when are closed to rest and carry out maintenance work. When we do, we will let you know on this page. 
  • After hours calls can be taken to 7.00 pm (Sep to Apr) and 6.00 pm (May to Aug).  For non-urgent requests send an email for us to check the next morning.  Like many small businesses, our office is not manned in the evenings.